Prompt: Assessment markers can be divided into different categories according to their semantics, among which are four major categories: EV1 general psychological experience, EV2 psychological impact, EV3 cognitive assessment, and EV4 expressing the nature of P. The event semantic information expressed by these markers is as follows: (1) EV1 General Psychological Experience Assessment Marker: This concept conveys the speaker's general emotions and psychological feelings, without emphasizing changes in psychological state. Such markers typically express static event information, which can be formulated as ADJ. (P), meaning the speaker perceives that proposition P brings about a psychological feeling of ADJ. (Markers like unluckily, oddly belong to this type.) (2) EV2 Psychological Impact Assessment Marker: This concept emphasizes the influence of external factors on psychological states, often accompanied by clear changes in psychological conditions. It emphasizes the prominent external causative effect, expressing the psychological impact of the content of the proposition on the speaker. This is in the format of "x causes y to become state", meaning x makes y enter a certain psychological state. Here, x refers to the stimulus (content of the proposition), and y refers to the perceiver. This type of event consists of two sub-events: the CAUSE event (e1) and the BECOME (state) event (e2). The semantic components include the stimulus (x), predicate1 (CAUSE), predicate2 (BE State), and perceiver (y). (Markers like embarrassingly, disappointingly belong to this type.) (3) EV3 Cognitive Assessment Marker: This marker emphasizes the cognitive effort the speaker expends when evaluating a proposition. It can be expressed as "x is able to v. y", an event of a cognitive nature. The semantic components in the "x is able to v. y" event include the agent (x), predicate, object (y), and modal operator (MOD). (Markers like understandably, conceivably, inexplicably belong to this type.) (4) EV4 Qualitative Assessment Marker: This marker defines the nature of the proposition for the speaker, showing the speaker's understanding of the inherent nature of the proposition. It expresses events like "P is of the nature of...", where P refers to the content of the proposition. The formulation is: (s) [Being-of the nature of (s) & Theme (s, P)]. (Markers like importantly, paradoxically belong to this type.) Based on the above information, please analyze the event semantics of the markers in sentences (1)-(5): (1) Miraculously, he survived and crawled until he reached a local highway where a passing motorist arrived in time to save his life. (2) Surprisingly, we were soon transferred to South Korea through the demilitarized zone. (3) Fortunately, the roads were free of snow. (4) Predictably leaders and their military advisers will also miscalculate. (5) Ironically, these technological tools that were supposed to liberate us have left us working longer hours than ever. (6)Astonishingly, this finding is completely ignored in the subsequent discussion. ChatGPT Response: Let's analyze the event semantics of the markers in the given sentences based on the provided information: (1) Miraculously: The use of "miraculously" seems to express a psychological impact and could belong to EV2 Psychological Impact Assessment Marker. This is because the situation (his survival and being saved) is perceived as an extraordinary or unexpected event with a strong external causative effect, causing astonishment or disbelief in the speaker or hearer. (2) Surprisingly: Similar to "miraculously", "surprisingly" also expresses a psychological impact, placing it under EV2. The transfer through the demilitarized zone to South Korea is seen as unexpected or not foreseen, creating a psychological effect of surprise. (3) Fortunately: This marker belongs to EV1 General Psychological Experience Assessment Marker. It expresses the speaker's general positive emotional reaction or feeling towards the situation (roads being free of snow) without an emphasis on the change in psychological state. The event is static, and there's an implication of good luck or positive circumstances. (4) Predictably: This marker leans towards EV3 Cognitive Assessment Marker, as it emphasizes the cognitive effort of the speaker and their ability to foresee or predict a particular event based on patterns or knowledge. Here, the miscalculation by leaders and their military advisers is something the speaker deems foreseeable or expected. (5) Ironically: "Ironically" belongs to EV4 Qualitative Assessment Marker. It expresses the speaker's assessment of the nature or inherent quality of the proposition, indicating a situation that's opposite or starkly different from what one would expect. In this case, technological tools, which were believed to liberate us, end up increasing work hours, a situation opposite to the intended outcome. (6) Astonishingly: This marker can be classified under EV2 Psychological Impact Assessment Marker. The finding being completely ignored in the discussion is seen as unexpected or startling, thus having a strong psychological impact on the speaker or hearer. In summary, these markers provide insight into the speaker's perception, cognitive assessment, and emotional reactions to different events or situations. Prompt: Please analyze the event components of each event. ChatGPT Response: Certainly! Let's break down the event semantics of the markers in the provided sentences based on the definitions given: Miraculously, he survived and crawled until he reached a local highway where a passing motorist arrived in time to save his life. Marker: Miraculously (EV2 - Psychological Impact) Stimulus (x): The unlikely event of him surviving and being saved. Perceiver (y): The speaker or the implied listener/reader. Psychological State: Astonishment or relief. CAUSE event (e1): The unlikely survival and reaching of the highway. BECOME (state) event (e2): The resultant emotional state, likely amazement or thankfulness. Surprisingly, we were soon transferred to South Korea through the demilitarized zone. Marker: Surprisingly (EV2 - Psychological Impact) Stimulus (x): The unexpected transfer to South Korea. Perceiver (y): "we" or the speaker. Psychological State: Surprise. CAUSE event (e1): The transfer to South Korea. BECOME (state) event (e2): The resultant feeling of surprise. Fortunately, the roads were free of snow. Marker: Fortunately (EV1 - General Psychological Experience) Proposition P: The roads being free of snow. Speaker's feeling ADJ: Fortunate or lucky. Predictably leaders and their military advisers will also miscalculate. Marker: Predictably (EV3 - Cognitive Assessment) Agent (x): Implied knowledge or patterns based on past events. Predicate: The act of foreseeing or expecting. Object (y): The leaders and advisers miscalculating. Modal Operator (MOD): The certainty or likelihood that this miscalculation will happen based on known factors. Ironically, these technological tools that were supposed to liberate us have left us working longer hours than ever. Marker: Ironically (EV4 - Qualitative Assessment) Proposition P: Technological tools making us work longer. Nature of the situation (s): The contrast between the intended liberation and the actual outcome. Theme: The unexpected negative result despite the promising premise. Astonishingly, this finding is completely ignored in the subsequent discussion. Marker: Astonishingly (EV2 - Psychological Impact) Stimulus (x): The finding being ignored. Perceiver (y): The speaker. Psychological State: Astonishment. CAUSE event (e1): The overlooking of the finding. BECOME (state) event (e2): The resultant feeling of astonishment. These breakdowns help understand the underlying semantic structures and components of each event described by the respective markers.