Recently, Crown and CLOB corpora created at Beijing Foreign Studies University have been catalogued at CoRD Corpus Resource Database, Helsinki
Yong, Qian (雍倩). 2016. A corpus-based study of counterfactuals in Mandarin. Language and Linguistics, 17(6): 891-915.
吉 洁,2015,PATTIE 儿童读物及视听材料英语语料库的创建,《语料库语言学》(1)。
于 涛,2015,If条件句句法语义特征的语体倾向性研究,《语料库语言学》(1)。
Lei, Lei & Zehua Liu. 2014. A word type-based quantitative study on the lexical change of American and British English. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 21(1): 36-49.
Xu, Jiajin & Maocheng Liang. 2013. A tale of two C’s: Comparing English varieties with Crown and CLOB (The 2009 Brown family corpora). ICAME Journal 37: 175-183.
程张根,2013,基于语料库的despite搭配用法对比研究,《蚌埠学院学报》(6):74–76,84。(Cheng, Zhanggen. 2013. A corpus-based study of collocation behavior of "despite". Journal of Bengbu College (6): 74-76, 84.)
何清顺,2013,《基于语料库的英语独立主格结构之系统功能语言学研究》,西南大学博士论文。(He, Qingshun. 2013. A Corpus Based Systemic Functional Approach to Absolute Clauses in English. Unpublished PhD thesis. Southwest University, China.)
吉 洁,2014,《英语中的生命度等级研究》,北京外国语大学博士论文。(Ji, Jie. 2014. A Study of Animacy Hierarchy in English. Unpublished PhD thesis. Beijing Foreign Studies University, China.)
吉 洁、梁茂成,2014,MUST情态语义及其句法特征的多维历时研究,《山东外语教学》(4)。(Ji, Jie & Maocheng Liang. 2014. A multidiemional developmental analysis of modal meaning and syntactic properties of MUST. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching Journal (4).)
刘 芳,2013,使用语料库分析方法探索《哈利·波特与魔法石》一书的词汇特点,《海外英语》(19):242-243。
于 涛、梁茂成,2014,英语被动结构多维度对比研究,《外语教学》(4):11-15。(Yu, Tao & Maocheng Liang. 2014. A multi-dimensional study of English passive structures. Foreign Languages Education 35(4): 11-15.)
邹 红,2014,概念迁移视角下中学生英语写作中动词的误用研究 ——基于语料库的实证研究,东北师范大学硕士论文。
王 敏、 李丽霞,2014,基于语料库的FAO农业英语中的动词名词化分析,《科技视界》(23)。
章柏成、许家金,2013,基于布朗家族语料库的英语现在进行体的历时考察, 《外语教学》(1):42-47。(Zhang, Baicheng & Jiajin Xu. 2013. A Brown family corpora based diachronic study of the English present progressives. Foreign Languages Education 34(1): 42-47. )
丁 政,2015,Zipf定律及Zipf语言经济论剖析,《语料库语言学》。(Ding, Zheng. 2015. Demystifying Zipf’s law and Zipfian linguistic economy. Corpus Linguistics 2(2).)