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Crown and CLOB corpora based publications as of Nov 2018

发布者: [发表时间]:2018-11-22 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

Listed below are research outputs based on Crown and CLOB corpora.

Recently, Crown and CLOB corpora created at Beijing Foreign Studies University have been catalogued at CoRD Corpus Resource Database, Helsinki



  1. Yong, Qian (雍倩). 2016. A corpus-based study of counterfactuals in Mandarin. Language and Linguistics, 17(6): 891-915.

  2. 唐革亮、杨忠,2016,功能视域中汉英名词化结构的翻译策略研究——以十八大报告翻译为例,《外语学刊》(1):88-93。

  3. 陈建生、徐文慧,2016,英语报纸新闻与社论主位结构的比较,《辽宁工程技术大学学报(社会科学版)》3:354-358。

  4. 吉 洁,2015,PATTIE 儿童读物及视听材料英语语料库的创建,《语料库语言学》(1)。

  5. 于 涛,2015,If条件句句法语义特征的语体倾向性研究,《语料库语言学》(1)。

  6. Lei, Lei & Zehua Liu. 2014. A word type-based quantitative study on the lexical change of American and British English. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 21(1): 36-49.

  7. Xu, Jiajin & Maocheng Liang. 2013. A tale of two C’s: Comparing English varieties with Crown and CLOB (The 2009 Brown family corpora). ICAME Journal 37: 175-183.

  8. 程张根,2013,基于语料库的despite搭配用法对比研究,《蚌埠学院学报》(6):74–76,84。(Cheng, Zhanggen. 2013. A corpus-based study of collocation behavior of "despite". Journal of Bengbu College (6): 74-76, 84.)

  9. 何清顺,2013,《基于语料库的英语独立主格结构之系统功能语言学研究》,西南大学博士论文。(He, Qingshun. 2013. A Corpus Based Systemic Functional Approach to Absolute Clauses in English. Unpublished PhD thesis. Southwest University, China.)

  10. 吉   洁,2014,《英语中的生命度等级研究》,北京外国语大学博士论文。(Ji, Jie. 2014. A Study of Animacy Hierarchy in English. Unpublished PhD thesis. Beijing Foreign Studies University, China.)

  11. 吉   洁、梁茂成,2014,MUST情态语义及其句法特征的多维历时研究,《山东外语教学》(4)。(Ji, Jie & Maocheng Liang. 2014. A multidiemional developmental analysis of modal meaning and syntactic properties of MUST. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching Journal (4).)

  12. 刘   芳,2013,使用语料库分析方法探索《哈利·波特与魔法石》一书的词汇特点,《海外英语》(19):242-243。

  13. 于   涛、梁茂成,2014,英语被动结构多维度对比研究,《外语教学》(4):11-15。(Yu, Tao & Maocheng Liang. 2014. A multi-dimensional study of English passive structures. Foreign Languages Education 35(4): 11-15.)

  14. 邹 红,2014,概念迁移视角下中学生英语写作中动词的误用研究 ——基于语料库的实证研究,东北师范大学硕士论文。

  15. 王 敏、 李丽霞,2014,基于语料库的FAO农业英语中的动词名词化分析,《科技视界》(23)。

  16. 章柏成、许家金,2013,基于布朗家族语料库的英语现在进行体的历时考察, 《外语教学》(1):42-47。(Zhang, Baicheng & Jiajin Xu. 2013. A Brown family corpora based diachronic study of the English present progressives. Foreign Languages Education 34(1): 42-47. )

  17. 张黎黎、黄永新,2013,欧·亨利短篇小说的语料库文体学分析,《短篇小说》(2):47-48。

  18. 丁 政,2015,Zipf定律及Zipf语言经济论剖析,《语料库语言学》。(Ding, Zheng. 2015. Demystifying Zipf’s law and Zipfian linguistic economy. Corpus Linguistics 2(2).)

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