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Baker, Mona. (1993). Corpus linguistics and translation studies: Implications and applications. In M. Baker, G. Francis & E. Tognini-Bonelli. Text and Technology: In Honour of John Sinclair (pp. 233-250). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Biber, Douglas Edward. (1984). A model of textual relations within the written and spoken modes. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Los Angeles, California: University of Southern California.
Busa, R. (1951). Sancti Thomae Aquinatis Hymnorum Ritualium Varia Specimina Concordantiarum: Primo Saggio di Indici di Parole Automaticamente Composti e Stampati da Macchine IBM a Schede Perforate (A First Example of Word Index Automatically Compiled and Printed by IBM Punched Card Machines). Milano: Bocca.
Carroll, J. (1960). Vectors of prose style. In T. Sebeok (Ed.), Style in Language (pp. 283-292). Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Chen, Heqin. (1922). Yutiwen yingyong zihui [Characters used in vernacular Chinese]. Xin Jiaoyu [New Education], 5(5), 987-995. 陈鹤琴,1922,语体文应用字汇,《新教育》(5):987-995。
Chen, Heqin. (1928). Yutiwen yingyong zihui [Characters used in vernacular Chinese]. Shanghai: The Commercial Press. 陈鹤琴,1928《语体文应用字汇》,上海:商务印书馆。
Firth, J.R. (1951). Modes of meaning. In G. Tillotson (Ed.), Essays and Studies (pp. 118-149). London: John Murray (Publishers) Ltd. "Collocation", or more specifically "meaning by collocation", as a theoretical linguistics term, was first proposed in this article on page 123.
Firth, J. R. (1957). A synopsis of linguistic theory, 1930-1955. In J. R. Firth (Ed.), Studies in Linguistic Analysis (pp. 1-32). Basil Blackwell. "You shall know a word by the company it keeps!" is found on page 11 of this book chapter, appearing in the middle. The book had its initial publication in 1957, followed by reprint editions in 1962 and 1968. The pagination stayed the same across all these editions.
Francis, W., & Kučera, H. (1964). Manual of Information to Accompany a Standard Corpus of Present-day Edited American English, for Use with Digital Computers. Providence, Rhode Island: Brown University.
Gross, M. (1993). Local grammars and their representation by finite automata. In M. Hoey (Ed.), Data, description, discourse: Papers on the English language in honour of John McH Sinclair (pp. 26-38). Harper-Collins.
Hoey, M. (Ed.), Data, description, discourse: Papers on the English language in honour of John McH Sinclair. Harper-Collins.
Huddleston, R. D., Hudson, R. A., Winter, E. O., & Henrici, A. (1968). Sentence and clause in scientific English: Report of the research project "The Linguistic Projects of Scientific English" Supported by Grant Y5955 from the Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Communication Research Centre, Department of General Linguistics, University College London.
Johns, Tim. (1991). From printout to handout: Grammar and vocabulary teaching in the context of data-driven learning. ELR Journal, 4, 27-45.
Juilland, A. & E. Chang-Rodriguez. (1964). Frequency Dictionary of Spanish Words. The Hague: Mouton & Co.
Palmer, Harold E. (1933). Second Interim Report on English Collocations: Submitted to the Tenth Annual Conference of English Teachers. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.
Kaeding, F. (1897/1898). Häufigkeitswörterbuch der Deutschen Sprache. Berlin: Self-published.
Sinclair, J. (1996). The search for units of meaning. Textus, 9(1), 75-106.
Sinclair, J. M., Jones, S., & Daley, R. (1970). English lexical studies: Report to OSTI on project C/LP/08; Final report for period January 1967 - September 1969. Department of English, University of Birmingham.
Stormzand, M., & O'Shea, M. (1924). How Much English Grammar? An Investigation of the Frequency of Usage of Grammatical Constructions in Various Types of Writing Together with a Discussion of the Teaching of Grammar in the Elementary and the High School. Baltimore: Warwick & York, Inc.
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Yang, H., Zhuang, Z., Gui, S., Wang, T., & Wei, N. (2003). Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Corpus Linguistics. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 25-27 October, 2003. The conference featured keynote speeches by John Sinclair, Shichun Gui, and Huizhong Yang and was a major gathering of corpus linguists of different schools in China.