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发布者: [发表时间]:2024-03-20 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

10月24日,来自英国伯明翰大学的Michaela Mahlberg教授应邀来到北京外国语大学中国外语与教育研究中心语料库语言学沙龙,为师生们带来了一场题为Water stories: A collaborative corpus approach to tackling the climate crisis的报告,探讨了她提出的"协作语料库语言学"方法,旨在通过叙事的力量,帮助应对当前的气候危机。



Prof Mahlberg Introduces Collaborative Corpus Linguistics

On 24 October 2024, Professor Michaela Mahlberg from the University of Birmingham, UK, was invited to the Corpus Research Group meeting of Beijing Foreign Studies University. She delivered a report entitled "Water stories: A collaborative corpus approach to tackling the climate crisis", exploring the "collaborative corpus linguistics" method she proposed, aimed at helping to address the current climate crisis through the power of narrative.

Professor Mahlberg pointed out that language constructs reality. Early corpus research focused on specific lexis, while emerging ecolinguistics focuses on discourse patterns and environmental discourse frameworks. However, the role of narrative in shaping reality has not been fully appreciated. Taking the water crisis as a background, she expounded on the concept of "collaborative corpus linguistics", emphasising the creative use of language to weave influential climate stories that connect with the actual situations of stakeholders, in order to generate greater impact.

The lecture closely combined perspectives from linguistics and environmental protection, providing a novel and interesting path to explore in addressing the common challenge of climate change faced by all humanity. The teachers and students present showed great interest and engaged in heated discussions on this concept, looking forward to further promoting this innovative method in the future to contribute to addressing environmental crises.