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发布者: [发表时间]:2024-07-16 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

语料北京: 北京地区高校语料库研学共同体

Colab是“语料北京”的英文名称,是Corpus Linguists at Beijing Universities的首字母缩略词,代表“北京地区高校语料库学者”。


The Colab Corpus Research Group

The Colab Corpus Research Group is an inter-collegiate group of like-minded corpus researchers in the Beijing area. The group aims to discuss current corpus linguistics projects and plan potential collaborative projects through regular meetings held at its four founding member institutions: Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beihang University, Beijing Normal University, and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.

Colab, the English name of the inter-collegiate research group, stands for Corpus Linguists at Beijing Universities.

*The name was inspired by the pioneering COBUILD (Collins Birmingham University International Language Database) project. Coincidentally, the term 'colab' is popularly used to refer to various collaborative platforms and groups, such as Google Colab, the New York City artists' group, a collaborative software company, and an online researcher and laboratory networking tool, to name but a few.