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发布者: [发表时间]:2020-04-05 [来源]: [浏览次数]:



上世纪70年代末,Chafe教授为研究不同民族人们如何叙事,请专业团队拍摄了“梨子影片”(The Pear Film,见http://www.pearstories.org网站)。梨子影片全长5分50秒,全片有背景音,但无任何对白。按Chafe等人的研究设计,他们计划,该影片将会给多个不同文化群体的受试播放,因此,为避免影片本身预设任何美国文化的成分,影片不设台词,情节也尽可能平实。影片在美国加州伯克利附近山区拍摄。影片设计的基本思路是尽量避免与特定的文化和语言背景相关联。通过这样的控制,研究人员可以较准确地了解,不同语言受试针对相同故事内容会采用怎样的语言编码。



   该故事的完整英文描述(Chafe 1980:xiii-xiv)如下:
   The movie begins with a man picking pears on a ladder in a tree. He descends the ladder, kneels, and dumps the pears from the pocket of an apron he is wearing into one of three baskets below the tree. He removes a bandana from around his neck and wipes off one of the pears. Then he returns to the ladder and climbs back into the tree. Toward the end of this sequence we hear the sound of a goat, and when the picker is back in the tree a man approaches with a goat on a leash. As they pass by the baskets of pears, the goat strains toward them, but is pulled past by the man and the two of them disappear in the distance.   We see another close-up of the picker at his work, and then we see a boy approaching on a bicycle. He coasts in toward the baskets, stops, gets off his bike, looks up at the picker, puts down his bike, walks toward the baskets, again looking at the picker, picks up a pear, puts it back down, looks once more at the picker, and lifts up a basket full of pears. He puts the basket down near his bike, lifts up the bike and straddles it, picks up the basket and places it on the rack in front of his handlebars, and rides off. We again see the man continuing to pick pears.
   The boy is now riding down the road, and we see a pear fall from the basket on his bike. Then we see a girl on a bicycle approaching from the other direction. As they pass, the boy turns to look at the girl, his hat flies off, and the front wheel of his bike hits a rock. The bike falls over, the basket falls off, and the pears spill out onto the ground.   The boy extricates himself from under the bike, and brushes off his leg. In the meantime we hear what turns out to be the sound of a paddleball, and then wet see three boys standing there, looking at the bike boy on the ground. The three pick up the scattered pears and put them back in the basket. The bike boy sets his bike upright, and two of the other boys lift the basket of pears back onto it. The bike boy begins walking his bike in the direction he was going, while the three other boys begin walking off in the other direction. As they walk by the bike boy's hat on the road, the boy with the paddleball sees it, picks it up, turns around, and we hear a loud whistle as he signals to the bike boy. The bike boy stops, takes three pears out of the basket, and holds them out as the other boy approaches with the hat. They exchange the pears and the hat, and the bike boy keeps going while the boy with the paddleball runs back to his two companions, to each of whom he hands a pear. They continue on, eating their pears.   The scene now changes back to the tree, where we see the picker again descending the ladder. He looks at the two baskets, where earlier there were three, points at them, backs up against the ladder, shakes his head, and tips up his hat. The three boys are now seen approaching, eating their pears. The picker watches them pass by, and they walk off into the distance.   


Pear CLIPS   

“中国英语学习者梨子故事综合语料库”(中文简称“梨子故事语料库”。语料库英文名称为Chinese Learners’ Integrated Pear Stories,简称CLIPS语料库)。注:CLIPS语料库标识含义说明。这种金属扣英文称为pear clip,即“梨形扣”。另外,CLIPS语料库中的所有语料源自学习者对“梨子故事”视频短片(video clip)复述。        



The CLIPS corpus (Chinese Learners’ Integrated Pear Stories corpus): a corpus of spoken and written English/Chinese narrative discourse produced by EFL college students based on the video prompt 'The Pear Stories' film. The corpus was designed and developed by Jiajin Xu. The CLIPS corpus is composed of 500,996 English words (word definition regex: [a-z0-9]+) and 315,136 Chinese characters (Chinese character definition regex: [\u4e00-\u9fa5]|[a-z0-9]+), totalling 816,132 English words and Chinese characters.


BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.2The tool assists manual annotation based on a user-defined category template (e.g. taxonomy of speech acts). A semi-automatic feature is also enabled given some heuristic knowledge, e.g. a thesaurus, or recurrent lexico-grammar on the basis of preliminary human annotation.

BFSU Qualitative ExplorerThe tools enables the counting of annotated features on the basis of multiple files.

Sub-corpus CreatorSub-corpora can be extracted based on the text strings contained in filenames of texts or in-text metadata markup.


<GENDER>M</GENDER> <GRADE>JUNIOR</GRADE> <YEAR>2007</YEAR> <MAJOR>ENGLISH</MAJOR> <EN_LEVEL>NA</EN_LEVEL>大西洋上的南风吹来明媚的晨光,丰收的喜悦游荡在苏兰格的牧场,捧一杯梨子新熟的希望,盛满一筐愉悦的随想。农夫牵着匹兴奋的山羊,看见筐筐的果实高兴的咩咩唱。在树上采撷的果农忙碌着,胸前的口袋里满是翠绿的食粮!不知谁家的孩子如此调皮骑车经过却萌生异象:"拿一个果子,反正他也不知道,哎!偷都偷了,不如直接来一筐!"淘气的孩子哟!别太嚣张!不劳而获不得好下场。迎面的少女带着清风一阵,吹飞了草帽,吹飞了孩子的神。路上的石块绊了车子的轮,偷来的果子和孩子都摔了脑门,坐在地上一味的呻吟着,恰巧有三个少年过来。扶起车子,站在脚跟,说声谢谢各走一边。乒乒乓乓的球拍作声,"你的帽子,不要走掉",好心的少年得了三个果子,乒乒乓乓边走边吃,果子的主人现在可急了,一筐果子就这么跑了?三个少年从面前经过,吃着的果子好像在哪见过?真奇怪呀!是不是闹了小偷?纯洁的少年走过,只有小鸟还依旧唱歌。


Chafe, W. (ed.). 1980. The Pear Stories: Cognitive, Cultural and Linguistic Aspects of Narrative Production. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex.

